We are having a review of the possibility of retaining a consultant led
Maternity service at Stafford Hospital – so what does that mean?
The Secretary of State for Health essentially nodded through
the TSA (Trust Special Administrators) recommendations on the future of
Stafford hospital, but with one puzzling addition; The announcement of a review
by NHS England into the possibility of retaining a consultant led maternity
unit at the hospital. The Prime Minister has made it pretty clear that he would
like this to be provided.
This small last minute addition to the recommendations
matters. It matters a lot. The results of this review will determine the “direction
of travel” for maternity care in this country.
For those of us watching the process carefully it is
puzzling. We do not know what the review is intended to achieve. The first question is what is the scope of
the review and how will it be conducted.
If the review simply retraces the steps of the TSA process
then it is very likely that it will reach the same conclusion, and in doing so
it will put at threat a large number of smaller maternity units throughout the
country. If it goes back a step further
and questions in some detail some of the assumptions behind the TSA
recommendations then it is possible that a review may reach a conclusion that
is in line with the wishes of many communities, and the many politicians that
represent them.
To understand the question it is useful to back track on
what has happened here. Stafford has been running a small maternity unit for
many years. Its results and its reputation are good and it has years of
detailed data to back this up. This is something that the TSA did not really
take into account at all.
The numbers of people choosing to have their babies at
Stafford began to fall when the hospital struggled through the years of
negative publicity, even though there was never any criticism of the maternity
unit. It is very hard to judge if the
numbers of women choosing to have their babies in Stafford at this very
particular point in the hospitals history is a fair reflection of the potential
demand from a growing population.
The numbers fell below the number of 2,500 births a year
which has been elevated by the TSA process to a magical number.
The model that the TSA put forward to potential service
providers pointed out that the unit was below this number, and this was
sufficient to ensure that no providers made a bid to provide a consultant led
maternity service. Initially the TSA took the view that there should be no more
births at Stafford. They modified this in response to the public demand,
leading to the offer of a midwife led maternity unit, which is better than
nothing, but is not popular with the service provider and may not meet with the
approval of the public. The heightened sense of risk that clearly now exists in
Stafford may mean that Stafford women will remain nervous about what may appear
to be a risky option. They are unlikely to have the detailed information to
allow them to make a fully informed choice.
It is worth taking a look at where this magical 2,500 came
The NMC did research which looks at maternity units and came
up with an aspirational figure of the numbers of consultant hours that should
ideally be available to maternity units of different sizes. Larger units should move closer to having
24/7 consultants, though most including the unit at Stoke which will now be the
main option for Stafford women does not and probably will not have 24/7
consultant cover.
The NHS litigation authority took the aspirational figures
from the NMC and came to the conclusion that level of consultant cover was a
key element in safety. For the litigation authority medical errors in child
birth are the basis for the most expensive claims for compensation, and it is
clearly in the interests of the Litigation authority, and the hospitals that
pay their premiums, to minimise risk.
The NHSLA elevated the aspirational 2,500 figure to the number of births
that hospitals should have in order to provide the number of consultant hours
necessary to satisfy the NHSLA requirements.
The NHSLA figures were used by the Clinical Advisory Groups
(CAGs) set up by the TSA in order to set up the model that was submitted by the
TSA to service providers.
The membership of the CAGs is something that perhaps the
review needs to revisit. Were the CAGs
an entirely objective and representative group of clinicians, or did the
majority of them already accept the centralising agenda that seems to be the
fashionable “direction of travel”. I would
also like to know to what extent the members of the CAGs expected their advice
to be used in the way that it was? The minutes of the CAG meetings indicate a
division of opinion.
One of the questions that I asked as a part of the HEIA
Health equalities impact assessment group is what would the impact of the 2,500
rule have on the many hospitals that currently have less than this number of
births. I was told that this would not apply to them as they were existing
units, and the Mid staffs unit because the hospital was being dissolved counted
as a new unit. This might sound
reassuring to other smaller hospitals until you recognise how many of them are
currently in deep financial trouble, and work out that it is only a matter of
time before they are also subject to an administration process.
I also had questions to ask about the tariff for maternity.
Does this actually cover the costs? Or is maternity a loss making service for a
hospital to offer.
One of the things that bothered me a lot about the
administration process here is that there seemed to be so little attention
given to the existing units. The good or even exemplary record of the existing maternity
unit was simply dismissed as irrelevant. The TSA did not choose to talk to the
staff, instead relying in the “direction of travel” set by the CAGs.
As the attention of the people of Stafford turned to the
fate of the Maternity and Paediatric units the issue of travel times and
maternal safety became a major focus of attention. Studies conducted in the Netherlands
show a correlation between travel times and risk to mothers. It is undoubtedly
the case that if people are being transferred in labour to Stoke that this will
be an uncomfortable and at times unsafe process for many women. There are
certainly risks involved, but this may be a risk that does not impact on the
NHS litigation authority in the same way as medical errors once a woman reaches
a hospital does. If a mother or child dies or is harmed in transit then who is
responsible for this?
Looking at Europe we found that the large maternity units
that seem to be the preferred option to the top ranking clinicians in this
country are seen as actively undesirable.
2,500 births in Germany would be seen as an excessively large unit, and
the 6,000 plus births that would occur if all Stafford births were shifted to
Stoke would be seen as unthinkable.
I think that the review will be a test for the CCG. The CCG
has I believe done its best to rise to the public interest in Health in
Stafford and to begin the task of working with the public to create the right
solutions for the future. The CCG stress that they are the commissioners, and
they have also indicated that a “creative solution” to the current problem may be available. I am with them on this. I am also encouraged
by the fact that the CCG are doing what the TSA failed to do and are talking to
the staff in the hospital so that they can better understand the strengths of
the service that is being provided now. I hope that this will help them move
towards the right solution for Stafford, which may lead to the retention of an
effective maternity service here.
The last minute intervention of the Prime Minister in the
Stafford situation matters. He is a politician, and he therefore knows that the
opinion of the voters matters. Maternity units matter. If we are embarking on a “direction of travel”
that will lead to the closure of a number of valued maternity units around the
country we need to know that we are doing so for the right reason. I hope that the review that the Prime
Minister has backed will take a close look at what we actually want from our
maternity units. .
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